Thursday, December 14, 2006


Saw a lot of this colour today.

Have always liked the color red.

Not sure anymore, not when it is someone else's.


Blogger Kai said...

Then, isn't there somewhere you'd rather be? Where you wouldn't have to see it? Even though it would be escapism, wouldn't it be nice?

1:22 am  
Blogger Rachana said...

Yes, that would be really nice.

Escapism according to me is not always a sign of cowherd ness. We all have our limits as humans and once that has been tested without results, we need to escape. By that, I mean we all deserve something better irrespective of how & what we are.

Having said that there are times there is no getting away. In fact dealing with an uncomfortable situation in itself can be an escape...

11:02 am  
Blogger Kai said...

So, where lies the limit in this?

From what I hear and read, which is only a little about your country, it's not all that safe in comparison to most European countries.

Having grown up in a fairly stable household till the age of 14, in a country where I am, most of the time, perfectly safe; it would seem tough to imagine, let alone live, otherwise.

If an escape were to be possible, without confrontation, would you take it?

8:33 pm  
Blogger Rachana said...

Why would anyone want to escape if there is no confrontation?

By limit I mean that every individual has a different level or capacity to bear something, and once that is reached, one has to take steps to either scumb to it, confront it or escape.

As for the country I belong to not being as safe as other coutries. Well, being a women it is not all that secure (I wonder where it is.) even though the city I belong to is comparativly a lot safer than others, not that I have ever tested it.

9:17 pm  
Blogger Kai said...

You said: "In fact dealing with an uncomfortable situation in itself can be an escape..."

What I meant with escape without confrontation, was in relation to the escape you mentioned which I cited in the above paragraph; an escape as the result of a confrontation. (So the question still stands ;) )

I suppose the limit is different for all of us, no argument there, on my part. But I was just wondering if there was some kind of common ground in this limitation, concerning most people in our society today.

In the western countries, women were allowed equal right a lot earlier than in most eastern countries, if I'm not mistaken. This has lead, over time, to more equal relationships between man and woman, though it is a given fact that women are still the subject of several noteworhty crimes (like getting mugged/raped/assualted) more than men.

I suspect that this is an evolutionary process, which will need its time, to fully develop. There is no "totally safe", but there is "as safe as it gets".

10:11 pm  
Blogger Rachana said...

So, what you mean is that if I am in a an uneasy spot & I do have an option to escape without confrontation, would I?

If it is so & I have understood it right this time, then depending on the situation I am in I would take my stand, and if escaping rather than confronting eases things then that would be my option.

I think fear could be one of the common limitations for most people in society. Once it comes to this then an escape under any circumstances becomes a must.

Boredom coud be another, but this is something we need to dwell on more.

"As safe as it gets" is not good enough. I am not a feminist but I do believe that women who say that they want to equal men or shit like that
fail to understand that by making these statement they agree that men are more superior. I think it is important that women uplifts themselves as humans who have a right to live with dignity & respect rather than compare themselves to men.

10:12 am  
Blogger Kai said...

Yup, you got me right this time. Thanks for answering my question.

I don't think that fear alone is a reasonable cause for escape. Provable, logically proven threats, are though. Sometimes children get scared because of the shadows cast upon the walls, by their own toys.

I thought bordedom was a pretty good one, but then the escape would fall in the category of "Escape due to confrontation". Just running from boredom probably undermines the actual key to the underlying problem. At times anyway. Children can get bored with their toys, buy new toys and become bored with them again, all the way not having figured out that it takes creativity in their games, to keep things fun.
Or in a long romantic relationship, where the partners get bored with each other. Buy flowers, right?

Heh, you're smart, in my opinion. I agree with you that "as safe as it gets" is not good enough. But it's the best thing this planet, this society of ours, has to offer to you, us. At this point.

I wondered whether or not your stance on equality, or rather lack of overview thereof was practically applicable. I'm guessing, only to an extent. Sort of like losing weight, occasionaly you face the scale, and count how much you have lost, and how much you still have to go. Emancipation of womankind is probably using the comparison between both genders as the scale, as to determine what should happen next, to further realize a life of dignity and respect.

The above is a practical approach, which has done some good in the past. I believe it might be time, in the more developed countries (concerning the issue of emancipation) that your point of view is applied. Because in these countries basic requirements have been met, in order to allow your method, to be fruitful.

Like I said, I think you're smart.

12:59 am  
Blogger Rachana said...

When I mentioned fear & boredom as limitations I was relating it to grown up conscious individuals, but then this was just a random thought.
I am sure there is more to it as you mentioned.

What according to you could be the common limitations among humans in society, because of which they would want to escape?

It will not be a practical approach unless put into practice for the simple reason being that before being born as a man or a woman we take birth as humans something we always forget. It is not only pertaining to gender, but also religion race etc. All this is individual responsibility.

Well, what you are saying is practical and I do agree with the use of both approaches in relative circumstances, but I still feel that a woman at any point trying to judge her capabilities by comparing herself to a man because he is a man is derogatory

Me being smart, well that is a compliment to you. When you are exchanging ideas with another smart person, it shows. :)

11:26 am  
Blogger Kai said...

My examples which I used to comment on your propositions, were just that. Simplified situations to better describe my opinions the matters.

I would probably put it the other way entirely, would I write some kind of essay as an answer to your question. Which I won't, don't worry :p I believe that humankind is an escaping species per definition and needs a significant reason NOT to escape, as opposed to having reasons to escape.

I am here, and something happens to me, I choose to change it (escape due to confrontation), or choose to run away from it. But I and most others, do not allow a co-existence between us and the "problem". Sometimes, surrendering is the actual key to salvation, like in love or even friendship, a lesser emotional equivalent. But we hardly ever realize this. And even through this surrendering, we are dealing with the problem which we either go away or not. So we're escaping, sort of.

I understand how you feel about this (relating to feminism). Though, a foolish battle now, may have significant effect later on. Sort of like walking in the wrong direction, realizing that you are doing so and finding a better path. Next time you need to go to where you were when you figured out that you were lost...and you automatically know the way.

But since you agreed with me that using both methods is acceptable depending on their relative circumstances, I don't really have to elaborate.

10:47 pm  

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