Sunday, October 21, 2007

Black or White

Aware or unaware
Agree disagree or indifference
Yes or No
Right or wrong

The more the chaos, the greater the understanding of the importance of clarity of thought. I do believe that black or whites in relation to ideas do exist and that, grays are a very significant mean to attain this clarity. Dealing with grays is the most chaotic; painful at the same time can be a very enlightening experience if the purpose is to (try to) achieve an extreme or a definite answer. With times our ideas and beliefs may change because of experience influence etc. and it is important to be objective and rational in the ideas we adopt and in our thought process.

In 27 years of my existence I have, adopted and almost abandoned my ideas with time, experience and sometimes due to strong and fortunate influences. But, how many of these ideas can I truly know and believe that I will keep for years to come and even for as long as I live, very few. Am I even able to express them clearly with reason? Maybe if I try hard, very hard. This is why I now understand the significance of words, definitions, concepts, and opinions with objective reasons.

My purpose is to try to achieve black or white with the assistance of grays. A challenge in itself, but worth all the effort. Living with grays is what most of us do, we do not question and if at all we do, we are not patient enough to look for answers. Questioning is a start but just questioning is not good enough.


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