Thursday, August 28, 2008


I think,

Laws and principles of nature are rigid

Some laws made by man in the name of tradition are even worst

Some individuals are different or choose to act or behave differently (against the order of nature or tradition) but are not anti socials. Use of the term 'disorder' to describe the behavior of such individuals is unjust.


Blogger Jobove - Reus said...

The alone individual is a coward, in herd it becomes aggressive, stupid and idiotic
A kiss

8:54 pm  
Blogger Kai said...

The alone individual is a coward? Hardly, really. It's a different type of person, sure, but there's no way of telling whether or not the person is a coward(fear) or a non-conformist(courage).

If the latter, then in the herd it's the smartest, most worthwhile individual you have... it's probably the only individual you have. Stupid and idiotic? You insult me. And with me many others.

6:09 am  

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