I recently shared this personal story on a friends blog
http://phinqu.com/wordpress/?p=652 as something in his writing made me open up a bit and share it with him. Thought of doing the same on this blog as recorded history :)
I remember my first feeling of being in love was years ago, I was 15 or 16 then. I used to go for evening walks on the terrace of the building I resided in. That’s when I saw this guy in an apartment in a building opposite mine. He looked up and it started. I used to go to my terrace everyday without fail at the same time hoping that he would be there and on most occasions he was there, waiting. We tried to steal glances and our eyes often met. Our paths would cross and my heart would skip a beat (hehe). This went on for atleast three years (ouch!) and I felt everything one feels when in love. I did not know anything about him, not even his name but somehow for some reason it did not seem to matter and I wonder why. It remained silent till the end.
My family moved to another city and that was the end of it.
Years later I moved back to my birth city (Mumbai) although at a different location but everytime I pass his building I still find myself looking up hoping to see him.